Thursday, December 10, 2015


We arrived in Savannah around eleven in the morning, and drove around the city with the rv for about half an hour. The city was mostly residential, with little condominiums and huge towering town houses, dotted with shops and squares. Most of the squares had some kind of little monument in the center. The one we stopped at to eat lunch had a monument to a revolutionary general, as did most of them. Across the street from us there was a large cathedral, and beside that, a very large, very old, and very ornate house. The house had been used by the general as his home and headquarters while his troops were in the city.
We drove around the city for a while more after we ate lunch, and the only place that we could find to park was an area were you had to pay. We parked and immediately after, the person next to us moved rather far away… We found that rather entertaining. We then decided to take the free transit bus around to the river front. The bus stop was nearby, so we could see the camper. And so we waited. And did a little more waiting. And then, for a change, we waited some more! As soon as we decided that if the bus didn’t come in five more minutes, it came around the corner. In total, we waited for over twenty minutes. We soon discovered that the bus did no follow the route on the map. In the end, we rode the bus over to the river front and got off uneventfully. The river front was very interesting, an we walked through a WWII memorial, in addition to watching a container ship pass.

After the river front, we headed back to the RV, packed up and proceeded to “home”, or our campground.

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